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This is part where you realize that I’m crunchy and hug trees

16 Jul

Recently I started reading Green as a Thistle If you haven’t started reading it yet, it’s a Canadian woman who is attempting to do one thing that betters the environment every single day for a year, with idea to continue that one thing until the year is over. For example, if she gives up her blow dryer on day x, then she’s got to maintain not using it until day 365. It’s amazing. Ultimately, this blog has served as constant motivation for me to think about how my actions might harm or heal the environment. Reading Green as a Thistle makes me think things like, “well, if she can unplug her refrigerator, then I sure as hell can turn off the lights when I leave my room, or use a reusable bag when shopping.” Long story short, Green as a Thistle is badass and has motivated me to seek out other blogs and websites that concern themselves with the state of the planet.

So, while searching for fun, smart, and environmentally concerned websites today, I found another fabulous site, called Ideal Bite. It’s loaded with easy and effective things you can do to treat the earth a little better, plus there’s a blog, plus with all the tips they offer links with more information. It rocks. I learned a lot of fun little facts while browsing there today as well, so here are some of them for your enjoyment:

  • When cooking smaller things, use your toaster oven. It uses as little as half the energy as a full-sized electric oven.
  • Personally, I would never, ever use any sort of spray herbicide, mostly because I’m been determined they’re evil for as long as I can remember. As it turns out, of the 18 most used lawn herbicides, 12 of them are known or possible carcinogens and 11 of them have been linked to birth defects. Instead of liquid poison, use vinegar, which won’t kill you, but will kill weeds.
  • As motivation for parents take their children outside and enjoy nature, one study found that kids who engage in with nature are less likely to have ADHD symptoms.
  • This is scary fact, based on how much beer I drank when I was home on leave, but one FDA study found that 17% of barley and 32% of wheat products tested contained pesticide residues.
  • BYOB! Bring your own reusable bag to the grocery store and on any shopping trip. Why? Because 12 billion barrels of oil and 14 million trees go to producing both plastic and paper bags each year.
  • One easy way to save both energy and money is to unplug your electronics and home appliances when you’re not using them. 40% of all electricity is used to power these items when they’re turned off. So, not using the TV, the toaster, or the microwave? Unplug it.
  • Refrigerators are more efficient when they’re full. Keep a well stocked fridge, or, use containers filled with water to take up space and save on energy.