Archive | March, 2008

Mother Nature Smackdown

30 Mar

So yesterday, I was all excited about spring and the promise of lovely weather.  And last weekend, I wrote about visiting Belle Isle and the wonderfulness of warm days.

And now, the sky is spitting ice. We didn’t even get winter weather in the WINTER here in Richmond, Virginia, but now that it’s spring, well! All bets are off.  Mother Nature’s insanity apparently takes over during the end of March.  Evidence.

Also, on a much less grumpy and irritable note, I discovered further proof that my husband rocks. Due to all the spider drama, I made him go with me each and every time I went to the bathroom (too much information maybe?), and he said this:

“I don’t like to kill spiders, but for you, I’ll murder ’em all.”

A spider has taken over my bathroom

29 Mar

Of my irrational fears, my fear of spiders is definitely the one I find the most annoying.  It’s so expected, so girly to fear spiders, but I can’t help it.  I hate them and they scare me.

So, a few minutes ago, while I was in the shower, there was a spider.  It was crawling on the wall across from me.  While I was naked in the shower and 100% vulnerable to spider attacks.  (AH!)

The worst of it is, after he made his appearance, he promptly disappeared.  Which is worse than if he had stayed on the wall looking at me while I showered.

I’m not gonna lie. I was freaking out. He disappeared on the same wall that my towel hangs on, which means, of course that my brain flipped to “What If” mode and then I became determined that he was IN my towel, nesting or creeping or doing whatever it is that spiders full of spite and hate and human-loathing do to towels.

I weighed my options.  I could stay in the shower for two hours until Andrew came home and rescued me.  I could throw open the shower curtain, run to the linen closet and grab another towel all while running the risk of exposing myself my neighborhood through our GIANT windows (while also risking being mistaken for a giant bug and thus eaten by devil spider).  Or, I could carefully, slowly, cautiously shake the hell out of the shower curtain to ensure that no evil devil spider was attached, step carefully, slowly, cautiously out of the shower and carefully, slowly, cautiously shake the hell out of  my towel.

I picked option three but the whole time I was in there I was determined he was on the towel.   It was so hard not to scream and jump and have a complete girliness attack of Spider Hate.

Oh, and then, just so you understand the nerve of this spider, he made another appearance.  I went back to the bathroom to get my laptop (I was playing music on it while showering, is that weird or do other people like music in the shower as well?) , and there he was.  On the wall, next to my head.

And so now I’m afraid to go back in there.  Because I, ladies and gentlemen, am a giant wuss.

Also, I might have broken my toe running out of the bathroom.

I ♥ Spring

29 Mar



Today isn’t nearly as sunny and warm and delicious as yesterday was, but with sunny days to come in the very near future, I can’t help but do a happy dance for all this warmth and springy loveliness.

Also, I really love the week after a holiday (especially Easter) when all the candy is on sale. I mean, when else can I get a big bag of mini Three Musketeers for 70¢ and a little Hersey’s Special Dark Bunny for 13¢?

Trickery and other things my husband excels at

27 Mar

My husband and I bought a car yesterday.  I’m still not totally sure how it all happened, but it did. All I expected out of yesterday was a trip to the thrift store and the grocery store, but no, my husband, being sneaky and whatnot, tricked me into going with him to visit a few dealerships and then, suddenly, after a test driving an adorable little car, leaving to go look at other little cars, frowning at other little cars and grabbing two Rockin’ Raspberry smoothies from Tropical Smoothie Cafe (LOVE), I found myself sitting next to my (sneaky, sneaky, sneaky) husband at the Volkswagen dealership filling out all  paperwork necessary to purchase an adorable 2003 Pre-Loved VW Passat with only 23,000 miles on it (ALSO LOVE).

The trickery.  My husband has it.

What I haven’t been able to figure out yet is whether or not he planned the whole thing or if everything just fell into place and SURPRISE! He has a car now.

Ultimately, purchasing this adorable car is one of those husband and wife milestone things I think.  As in, hey, we’re all grown up now and can get things like loans and cars (and debt) all by our grown-up selves!  Yay! Or something like that.  Also, I’m less stressed because while I love my hubs, I hate sharing my car with him.

Also, I am sad because I missed America’s Next Top Model last night due to all the car-buying/getting home late/oh crap I need to make food because car buying makes you HUNGRY-ness.


23 Mar

Yesterday morning, upon realizing that it was beautiful outside, we decided that we should really get out of the apartment and spend some time outside. And so we did. Since our friend from Alexandria was visiting, we decided to go to Belle Isle and have ourselves an adventure.


It really was beautiful outside, although I think the prettiest parts of the day were the parts that we spent talking about wanting to go outside. It rained on us a little bit, but it was still quite wonderful.


Mr. and Mrs. Mallard were there again being beautiful and lovely and enjoying the weather as well. As you can see they’re very photogenic.


Mostly I think we were all pretty happy to be outside. It seems that it’s finally starting to look (and feel) like spring, although with my luck, and with the insanity that Mother Nature can pull, it’ll probably start snowing tomorrow just because I got my hopes up about spring.
