V. 1.0: 2007-2009

Mission Statement

Start: March 1, 2007
End: November 26, 2009

Striked – Completed
Bold – In Progress
Red – Failed

1. Send a secret to Post Secret. [8.21.08]

2. Adopt a dog. [4.07.08]

3. Stargaze. [10.09.09]

4. Swim in the ocean. [1.15.08]

5. Blog at least three times a week for 20 weeks. [20/20] [Done week of 5-11.8.07]

6. Participate in the 26 things project. [March ’07]

7. Get another tattoo. – FAILED. Not something I wanted to do after all.

8. Bake a batch of peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. [5.06.07][see them]

9. Create a big collage and actually display it. [Created January ’08]

10. Host a dinner party. [June ;09]

11. Move away from home. [February ’08]

12. Visit 5 states, other than my own. [6/5][Michigan May ’07; Nevada + Arizona January ’08; North Carolina October ’08; South Carolina February ’09; Wisconsin July ’09]

13. Pay off my car.

14. Update my will.

15. Successfully complete Warrior Leader Course. [9.18.07][Tell-All Tale Part 1, 2, 3]

16. Sew something with my sewing machine. [1.22.08 – A pillow.]

17. Go back to college. [8.24.09]

18. Visit a lighthouse. [April ’09]

19. Vote. [11.04.08]

20. Take at least one picture a day for a full month. [4.07.07] [Go Look]

21. Plant a tree. [April ’09]

22. Collect at least 50 quotes that inspire me. [38/50]

23. Go on road trips with one of the most important people in my life. [May ’07]

24. Go on a road trip by myself.

25. Create a list of my top 50 all-time favorite books and start rereading them. [listed: 50/50]

26. Determine what key clothing pieces I’m missing from my wardrobe and acquire them.

27. Find and purchase a couch that is both attractive and comfortable. [November ’07]

28. Discover 5 new poets who inspire me.

29. Create a scrapbook about the Kosovo deployment.

30. Find the perfect little black dress. [January ’08]

31. Purge my closet. [November ’07]

32. Relearn how to walk in heels comfortably. [January ’08 – Cruise]

33. Organize the poetry I’ve written over the past 10 years.

34. Buy a fire proof safe.

35. Write letters to David and Joe, then burn them. [0/2]

36. Find a way to organize my recipes. [Recipe Book // April ’09]

37. Buy a new bed and new bedding. [11.15.07]

38. Have a savings account containing at least $10,000. [8.02.07 ]

39. Visit the west coast. [September ’09]

40. Quit smoking. [05.01.2009]

41. Go out to dinner by myself.

42. Organize all my photos, including digital.

43. Stay a size 4.

44. Have a perfect January 2008

45. Learn to cook at least five really great meals. [5/5]

46. Make a list of at least 25 songs that mean the world to me, then blog about each one. [9/25]

47. Take a class that is totally unrelated to my major, just because.

48. Get a library card.

49. Re-visit New York City.

50. Get waxed.

51. Handwrite and send at least 5 letters. [5/5][12.10.08]

52. Start a FLICKR account. [3.03.07][See it]

53. Visit David’s grave.

54. Spend a day in bed with someone. [Spring ’07]

55. Learn to be comfortable showing my stomach. [November ’07]

56. Buy a house.

57. Visit five museums, zoos, exhibits, festivals, etc. [5/5][1: Fort Jackson Museum Feb. 19, 09; Richmond Irish Festival Mar. ’09; Easter on Parade April ’09; Richmond Greek Festival May ’09; Edgar Allan Poe Museum August ’09]

58. Bake cupcakes from scratch. [August ’09]

59. Go somewhere tropical. [Caribbean Cruise – January 13-20 ’08]

60. Learn to cook a turkey. [Thanksgiving ’08]

61. Become a big sister for Big Brothers Big Sisters.

62. Buy new dinnerware. [November ’07]

63. Change my life drastically. [Fall ’07]

64. Learn to love my scars.

65. Go back to Asheville, NC.

66. Visit 10 Richmond restaurants I’ve never been to before. [10/10][Capital Ale House, Europa, Legend Brewery, Halligans, deLux, McCormack’s, Mulligan’s, Rosie Connolly’s, Penny Lane Pub, Gibson’s Grill]

67. Exercise at least four times a week for one month. [August ’07][See the plan]

68. Have an herb garden. [10.05.09]

69. Visit a waterfall. [1.16.08 – Jamaica]

70. Go on a totally spontaneous vacation. [San Francisco – August ’09]

71. Kiss in the rain.

72. Go back to Athens, Ohio.

73. Say “I trust you” to someone and mean it completely. [April ’07]

74. Reread the Harry Potter series. [7/6]
[HP & the SS : 5.22.07]
[HP & the CoS : 5.31.07]
[HP & the PoA : 6.10.07]
[HP & the GoF: 6.16.07]
[HP & the OotP: 6.25.07]
[HP & the HBP: 7.08.07]
[HP & the DH: 8.13.07]

75. Remain self-harm free.

76. Have my driver’s license picture taken again. [3.09.09]

77. Get a stamp in my passport. [5.17.07]

78. Take a hike. [Sept. ’09 – San Francisco]

79. Learn to be comfortable enough with my body to walk around my house totally naked. [May ’07]

80. Start a tradition. [Thanksgiving ’07][What is it?]

81. Create a list of 101 things that make me happy. [101/101]

82. Create a list of 101 reasons why I love someone else. [10.31.07]

83. Twirl in the rain. [June ’09]

84. Volunteer for a cause I really support. [9.22.08 – Obama]

85. Bake a loaf of bread from scratch without using a bread machine. [December ’07]

86. Pick wildflowers. [June ’09]

87. Purchase underthings that make me feel sexy.

88. Donate at least $100 to charity. [$65/$100]

89. Stay on the Dean’s List through the rest of college.

90. Create a resume.[March ’08]

91. Go to a professional sports game. [April ’08]

92. Learn to enjoy wine. [2.19.2008]

93. Create a memory box.

94. Read at least 15 banned or challenged books. [12/15]

95. Perfect my spaghetti sauce. [May ’08]

96. Read at least one poem a day, every day for at least a month. [July ’07]

97. Get the big Delta. [8.14.2007]

98. Learn to cry again. [May ’07]

99. Buy myself one fabulous piece of jewelry. [December ’07 – My wedding ring]

100. Drive part of the Skyline Drive

101. Start over with a new 101 in 1001 once this one is complete.

18 Responses to “V. 1.0: 2007-2009”

  1. Julie September 6, 2007 at 4:53 AM #

    I love your list, and congratulations on your progress. I wish I had thought to make a life list for myself at your age. Perhaps I would have thought ahead, and accomplished some of the things I really wish I had already done. I found your blog when I was searching for the wording of the “tiptoe through life” quote, and read just pieces of it. I hope your last few months of deployment fly by, and you are soon home in the Blue Ridge. I know the feeling – I’m from the Shenandoah Valley, myself, but have not lived there for many years now. It still feels like home.

    All the best to you.

  2. instatick September 17, 2007 at 6:49 PM #

    Thank you for your kind words Julie!

  3. tipptalk March 9, 2008 at 1:13 AM #

    This is a great idea! I need to add more to my agenda, some things that aren’t so far off and more attainable, but things that will make me feel better about my progress.

    I am enjoying your blog, my hubby was in the NG and was deployed early on in our marriage, so I know the drill.

    I’ll be checking back to keep reading!

  4. nicoleantoinette December 12, 2008 at 3:35 AM #

    Oh my goodness. We need to hang out immediately and complete some of your un-checked off things! Like baking cupcakes from scratch 🙂

  5. Shaba March 25, 2009 at 5:17 PM #

    Whee! I love these lists. I had my own at one time, but canned it…too much pressure. I may revisit it this summer. 🙂

  6. tarasg June 1, 2009 at 2:19 PM #

    Wow great list!! You’ve made a ton of progress! It’s great to find someone that has stuck with it for so long 🙂

    Good luck with finishing it up!


    ps. I’m adding you to my fellow 101 links page (if that’s not ok just let me know)

  7. breathenoah August 20, 2009 at 1:43 AM #

    great list, and good luck with loving your scars. i love mine, they remind me of when i ran blind, and ran free.

  8. Suzanne from the RVA August 26, 2009 at 3:44 PM #

    If you’re going to make cupcakes, make awesome ones. These are the best. http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Self-Filled-Cupcakes-I/Detail.aspx

  9. leilanie October 13, 2009 at 3:15 PM #

    great list! do you mind if i add you to my friends list? i know you’re almost done with your list, but its great inspiration.



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