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Flashback Friday: The Dorky Edition

25 Apr

See the dork in the glasses on the far left?  Yeah, that’s me.

This picture was taken circa 1999.  I was 15 years young.  A baby, really.

In case it’s not obvious, I was in a play, cause I was a theater dork, which should be obvious.  In fact, deep in my little heart of hearts, I still am a theater dork.  That’s probably why I’m so loud.   So, I guess the good news is that I didn’t spend most of my high school years standing around looking awkward just because.  No, I stood around looking awkward for the enjoyment of others.  I’ve always been a giver like that.

Anyway, the play was called My Fatal Valentine. It was an audience participation murder mystery.  I played a security guard at a romance novel award show.  Seriously.  It was flippin’ awesome.

The number one thing I was NOT in high school: Cool.