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Thanks. And stuff.

26 Nov

So the family is here. Most of them are still sleeping and likely will be until I pull a turkey from the oven a little later on this afternoon.  Whatever.

This year I’m thankful for my husband, who keeps me sane. I’m thankful for my dog, who makes me laugh. I’m thankful for my home, which keeps me grounded. I’m thankful for my job, which keeps me in my house and allows me to eat delicious nomnoms. I’m thankful for the last few days of fall, for the hope of tomorrow, for good hair days and lazy Sunday afternoons.

I’m thankful for hot coffee on cold days, and cold sweet tea on hot days. I’m thankful for my crazy city with all it’s craziness and hidden goodness. I’m thankful for the radio, for music that makes me cry and laugh and dance. I’m thankful for books that open my world up. I’m thankful for friends, both the ones I’ve met on the internets and the ones I know in real life. I’m thankful for wine and chocolate and good pens.

I’m thankful for the neighborhood kitties who drive my dog insane. I’m thankful that I get the chance to cook a turkey this year. I’m thankful for the family the Army has given me. I’m thankful for starry nights and wool blankets. I’m thankful for bright red toenails, warm sweaters, comfy chairs, and deviled eggs.

I’m thankful for life this year and for all the plans for next year.

Thank you.

Six for Saturday

14 Nov

Six Foods I Can’t Live Without:

1. Popcorn.

2. Chocolate. Of the dark and slightly bitter variety.

3. Spaghetti. With any sort of deliciousness on the top of it.

4. Zucchini. (NOM NOM NOM)

5. Honey. It might be a condiment, but since I drizzle it on my finger and eat it whenever I’m craving something sweet and that seems a lot like a food. 

6. Berries. Of the juicy and and finger-staining variety.

What can’t you live without?

If I had a million dollars…

9 Nov

Sometimes I spend entirely too much daydreaming about what I would do if I won the lottery.  Andrew and I, when the winnings get up to 9 figures, frequently discuss what we would do with the money. How would our lives change? What would we do with all that money? What charities would give money to? Would we keep our house?

I think, at the very least, I’d do the following:

– Buy our neighbors house. Bulldoze it. Put in a pool. It’s not so much that I hate our neighbors. They’ve been nice, for the most part. It’s just their house acts as the #1 hangout spot for all the underage hoodlums on our block and I’ve grown really, really tired of hearing Hoodlum #47 stand outside our neighbor’s house yelling “Hey, Coop!” at all hours of the night and day.  Plus, I really hate looking out my guest room window and seeing the mountains of crap they have piled in their yard. I’d much rather have a pool back there. And a garage. And a buttload of flowers.

– Make a bigger kitchen. I do love the kitchen I have now, but I really wish I had room for an island with some bar stools.  Every single time we entertain I end up with a herd of people in my kitchen and it’d be nice if those people could sit on bar stools instead of on my countertops.

– Travel. For like three months. I don’t know where we’d go, but trust me, we’d go.

– Donate lots o’ money. We’d give some to our families of course and then we’d just throw money at our favorite charities.

– Go back to school full time. As much as I would like to think I would keep my job if I suddenly became a multi-millionaire, I know that’s bullshit. Sure, I love my job. But why keep it when I can do anything?

– Adopt puppies. Lots of them. In fact, I’d probably just make a room in my house called the puppy room where people can go and get kissed and snuggled by a herd of puppies.

What would you do if you had a million dollars?

Things I would rather be doing right now

15 Oct

So. I’m working on this project. And it’s all sorts of crazy important and has to be done in the very near future and, seeing as I’ve been working on it for-fucking-ever, I’m sick of it. Totally tired of it. Plus, I’m too close to it.

You know when you work on something so much and put so much effort into something that it just starts to seem terrible and no good? Yeah, I’m getting there.  And that’s pretty standard for me. I’ve found that, when working with video and especially when working with one certain video product for an extended period of time and after trying all sorts of different things, everything just starts to get jumbled and it’s really, really, really hard to look at the video as one final piece. Instead I just see all the little bits that went into it and then my head explodes. Which is messy and unfortunate and really puts a damper on me getting anything accomplished.

Today, I’d rather be:

  • Painting stripes on the ceiling in Andrew’s office. Call me crazy, but I think yellow and white stripes in a navy blue room would look super sexy and fun.
  • Napping. I woke up entirely too early this morning because Andrew is insane and woke up early to go to the gym and then the dog jumped from his side of the bed onto ME as she left the bedroom.  She’s such a FurBitch sometimes.
  • Baking. It’s cold now, and rainy, and so all I want to do is make cookies and pies and brownies and bread because I haven’t in so long because summer was really, really hot and I’m too much of a cheapskate and a tree-hugger to turn the A/C on too high.
  • Painting the downstairs bathroom.  As crazy as I may or may not be for wanting to paint yellow stripes on the ceiling, I’m also totally not crazy at all and quite possibly super boring because we’re painting the bathroom downstairs white. Plain. Old. White.
  • Drinking some very hot Lady Grey Tea. It’s freezing in this house of mine. I turned on the heat just a little bit but it’s still not enough to take the edge off and I’m currently sitting here in fleece pants, furry socks, and a hoodie with the hood pulled up over my ears. AND IT’S ONLY OCTOBER!
  • Bitching about the naming of Richmond’s new minor league baseball team.  The team name is being decided today at 2:30 and the options are: Flying Squirrels, Hush Puppies, Flatheads, Rhinos & Rock Hoppers. Seriously. I think they are the worst names ever. That said, I will probably still attend games no matter what stupid, stupid, stupid name they choose since I live just two miles from the stadium. BUT, in quiet protest, you can bet your ass I won’t buy a t-shirt.
  • Napping in front of a fire. For obvious reasons.
  • Frolicking on the beach in some exotic, beautiful, tropical location where it never gets any colder than 75 and there’s always a nice tropical breeze and where tanned, muscled men bring me fruity alcoholic beverages with umbrellas in them.

I know I was all, “bring on the autumn weather!” but, as it turns out, I’m totally not ready for that. I’m not ready for temperatures in the 50s, or the 40s for that matter. I’m not ready for cold, yucky rain. I’M NOT READY! Also, given that I was playing in the waves on Saturday and basking in the sun, this cold weather shit seems exceptionally cruel.

What would you rather be doing?

Sit down and shut up and grow some brain cells

29 Sep

Going back to college has been, to say the least, quite an experience. I spend half my time in class enthralled with all the new things I’m learning about different religions and cultured, and shocked by the way my classmates act. I can’t decide if I dislike them all so much because I’m 25, married and grown the eff up, while they’re all 19 or 20 and not at all grown the eff up, or if it’s just that things have changed.

I never, ever, ever in a million years would have complained, at any point in my formal education, that a two point quiz question was too hard. Ever. I don’t care what level the course was. I don’t care who the professor was. I don’t care. I would never have been that person, who interrupts class, thirty minutes after a quiz has been taken, to raise my hand and bitch that a quiz question was too hard or worded in a way that I didn’t understand. I wouldn’t blame my teacher for challenging me too much. I would blame myself for not studying hard enough.

And yet, every single class, someone has to raise their hand and complain. “I don’t understand what you mean by “the woman” or, “I don’t like the way you worded that question,” or, “you need to give us more information on what’s going to be on these quizzes because telling us it’s going to be ‘on the readings’ just isn’t good enough for me because I’m a snobby assface.”

After the majority of the class miserably failed the first quiz, my teacher decided to help the class out and post some guidance as to what information from our readings she expects us to know and that we will be quizzed on. Keep in mind, the readings are only about 10 pages each week – nothing too strenuous. And yet still. These kids complain.  Over and over again. Despite the guidance. Despite the short reading assignments.

I just don’t get it.

And then, after our mid-class break last night, only about the half the class returned. Because apparently, they just don’t care.

Then, while my professor was explaining the 5 Pillars of Islam, these two assholes in the back of the class kept making snide comments and I was waiting, just waiting for them to say something obviously offensive. They made it well known they have zero respect for the Muslim faith, although they didn’t cross that line – that fine, fine line. I was hoping – praying even, that they’d say something offensive enough for me warrant smacking them both across the face and making them cry like the little boys they are.

But they didn’t.

Terra’s Tough-as-Nails (and super obvious) Rules to Being a Decent Human Being & a Good Student:

1. When given an assignment, complete it. You’ll be amazed at what it will do for your grades.

2. Don’t talk while your teacher or professor is in the middle of a lecture. It’s rude.

3. Especially don’t talk about how drunk you got last night and how your roommate “is, like, such an asshole.”

4. Remember that there are people all over the world who would kill to be getting the education your dumb, trashy, spoiled rotten ass is getting. Don’t make me give them your address.

5. Don’t laugh at your professor when she’s having problems getting a DVD to play. It’s not funny and laughing at her just makes you look like more of a Jon Gosselin-level douchebag.

6. Obey traffic signs. When the red hand is shown, DON’T WALK. Although, if you continue to walk out in the middle of the road, you might get run over. And that’s something we call natural selection. You might have heard about it.

7. Don’t complain about the attendance policy. Yes, you have to go to class to earn credit. If you can’t understand the concept, maybe you should just leave.

8. Don’t rub your ass on someone’s arm while walking down the aisle without apologizing. It makes me think you’re even more dirty than you look.

9. Stop thinking your snide comments are funny. They’re insensitive and, if you keep it up, they might just result in you getting your ass handed to you by a girl.

10. Don’t complain that a quiz, test, or assignment is too hard. The assignment isn’t hard – you’re just too weak to handle it.